New Story + Best of the Net Nomination

Cover art by Derrick Adams

Two much-needed pieces of good news! My story, “Muriel’s Cyclone,” was nominated for Best of the Net by the editors of Mom Egg Review. This piece was part of a folio of climate change/motherhood flash fiction entitled “Riding the Dangeroouos Wind” curated by Tara L. Masih and includes works by Tara Laskowski, Claudia Smith, Mary McLaughlin Slechta, Julia Strayer, Dawn Raffel, Sherrie Flick, Rosie Forrest, Emma Bolden (whose story, “Assumption,” was also nominated), and Marci Calabretta Cancio-Bello. I’m deeply honored and grateful for this recognition of a story that means a lot to me.

Also! In a very slow writing year for me, I am pleased to have a story in the new double issue of dream journal, Copper Nickel. I’m excited to receive my copy and read all the great stories, poems, essays, and translations therein. The cover, by Derrick Adams, is so beautiful and striking.

2 thoughts on “New Story + Best of the Net Nomination”


      Jayne it means so much to me that you like that story! Someday when we can be together in person again (France? Italy?) I’ll tell you about how that story was born. Thanks for the kind words, my friend. xo

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