My tiny flash, “One Purple Finch” reprinted from the archives of Smokelong Quarterly

I was so happy to see my flash, “One Purple Finch,” reprinted on the Smokelong Quarterly blog this morning. Coming as it did from a sweet and gentle space in my heart, this tiny flash is one of my own personal favorites. Tara Laskowski and Art Taylor asked to use the piece as a reading in their wedding ceremony and nothing in my writing life has given me more joy.

This flash was originally published in Issue 17 of Smokelong (going waaaaay back to June of 2007!) and I was happy to be a part of such a strong lineup.

6 thoughts on “My tiny flash, “One Purple Finch” reprinted from the archives of Smokelong Quarterly”

  1. No wonder they wanted this read at their wedding. It’s absolutely gorgeous. Brought tears to my eyes and a lump to my throat. Good way to start a day. Hugs!

  2. Bernadette Murphy

    I was at Tara & Art’s lovely wedding, and remember this piece–it’s so beautiful!


      I’d love to have heard it read. I’ve never read it aloud myself. Thanks for letting me know, Bernadette! 🙂

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