Together We Can Bury It featured at Blue Fifth Review / Workshop Update

my books deskWoke up to a lovely surprise this morning. The editors of Blue Fifth Review have featured excerpts from my collection, Together We Can Bury It (The Lit Pub, 2012), along with gorgeous excerpts from Barbara Jane Reyes’ Poeta en San Francisco (Tinfish Press, 2005) and Evie Shockley’s a half-red sea (Carolina Wren Press, 2006) as part of their Blue Fifth Reviews for the month of July. Very honored. Thanks to Sam Rasnake and Michelle Elvy. You can find the featured works here:

Blue Fifth Reviews (July 2015/#2).

Regarding the Fast Flash© Workshops: I want to make sign ups and payment easy for workshop attendees, so I realized I need to upgrade my website to do so! I am in the process of changing this site over and hope to have it done soon. I’m going to run workshops in August, September, and October to accommodate everyone who expressed interest. Please stay tuned as I get everything organized and in place. I’m so excited to get started!

All best to everyone and have a wonderful last day of July. Enjoy that beautiful blue moon! full moon

4 thoughts on “Together We Can Bury It featured at Blue Fifth Review / Workshop Update”

  1. Congratulations, Kathy! Nice to re-read excerpts from your book. And like Jayne, I keep your two current books close at hand, at all times! LOVE your stories (and you)!

    1. Oh that’s so kind, Robert. Yesterday I had my feet up on my desk reading Addicts & Basements. Not sure how much time went by but my foot fell asleep…great collection.

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