Two New Stories Published…

I’m happy to have had two new stories published this week! This is work I’m very proud of:

W. Todd Kaneko is stepping down as co-editor of the glorious journal, Waxwing Magazine, with issue XXI just released on Monday. I am deeply honored to have a place in the Music section of the issue with my Joni Mitchell-inspired piece, “Unfettered and Alive.”

Do read the whole issue. It’s overflowing with stunning poetry, essays, translations, and fiction. The cover art by L.I. Henley is gorgeous. It’s just a beautifully presented journal I have long admired. Thanks to Todd and everyone involved.

Muriel’s Cyclone is part of a folio curated by Tara L. Masih for Mom Egg Review, dealing with climate change and motherhood. She says this of the folio:

“I hope you read these poetic, dreamy, sometimes magical flashes that are packed with vibrant images and that explore women’s issues with skill, sensitivity, depth, and even humor . . . slowly. Savor their words and wisdom, and I hope you’ll find the stories reflective and healing. These women are “Riding the Dangerous Wind,” an allusion to a JFK quote that morphed into an anonymous one: “A crisis is an opportunity to ride the dangerous wind.”

I’m honored to share space in this folio with these incredible writers: Tara Laskowski, Claudia Smith, Sherrie Flick, Emma Bolden, Dawn Raffel, Mary McLaughlin Slechta, Julia Strayer, Marci Calabretta Cancio-Bello, Rosie Forrest, Anna Limontas-Salisbury, Danielle Stelluto, and Jennifer Franklin. I encourage you to read them all.

Oh, my story in Waxwing was accompanied by this Joni Mitchell song. Enjoy!

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