Review of TOGETHER WE CAN BURY IT / Len Kuntz

Wow, my day has been made by this beautiful review of TOGETHER WE CAN BURY IT by Len Kuntz on his blog People You Know By Heart. I am hugely grateful for the kind words.

“From the terrific book title, we move through the lives of troubled people not unlike wraiths who slip through bedroom walls to glimpse the destruction of life or its smoldering aftermath. Some pieces are clipped as short as a page. A few stories might stretch as long as six pages. No matter the length, Fish makes the reader work in all the right ways, so that there are needed pauses and reflections both during and after having finished a story. The reader sometimes has to ask, “Does that mean what I think?” or “Wait a minute—what’s really going on here?” Often, however, the message is brutally clear, as in the concluding lines of “Tederoni”:
“He stoops and picks up the kitten’s smooshed head and its body and the pieces are so small in his hands. Together, we walk to the side of the road and I watch as he chucks them, hard, into a patch of high weeds.” Read the entire review on Len’s blog People You Know By Heart

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