About Kathy
Email: fishfastflash@gmail.com Twitter: @kathyfish Substack: artofflashfiction.substack.com
Kathy Fish’s short stories, flash fiction, and prose poems have recently appeared in Ploughshares, Washington Square Review, Waxwing Magazine, Copper Nickel, the Norton Reader, and Best Small Fictions. Her fifth collection, Wild Life: Collected Works from 2003-2018, is now in its 2nd print run with Matter Press. She is a recipient of the Copper Nickel Editor’s Prize and a 2020 Ragdale Foundation Fellowship. Her highly sought after Fast Flash© workshops, begun in 2015, have resulted in numerous publications and awards for the hundreds of writers who have taken part. She publishes a free monthly newsletter, The Art of Flash Fiction, which includes craft articles and writing prompts. She is currently seeking representation for her craft book of the same name.
Other stories have appeared in Electric Literature, Guernica, Denver Quarterly, Mississippi Review (online), Yemasseee Review, Indiana Review, Spork, Slice, New South, Newfound Journal and various other journals, textbooks, and anthologies.
Her most widely shared, taught, and anthologized piece to date,“Collective Nouns for Humans in the Wild,”was written in response to the 2017 mass shooting in Las Vegas. The piece, which addresses the scourge of mass shootings and gun violence in America, was first published by Editor-in-Chief Christopher James in Jellyfish Review. It was then chosen by Sheila Heti for Best American Nonrequired Reading 2018 and by Aimee Bender forBest Small Fictions 2018. In Sept., 2019, the piece was adapted for the stage alongside an excerpt from Roxane Gay’s “Hunger” in “Bodies of…” produced by Matt Weedman and performed at the Bertha Martin Theater at the University of Northern Iowa. Variously described as a poem, flash fiction, prose poem, or flash essay/creative nonfiction, this hybrid piece has also been selected for Literature: A Portable Anthology (Macmillan), Stone Gathering: A Reader (French Press Editions), Humans in the Wild: Reactions to a Gun Loving Country (Swallow Publishing), Advanced Creative Nonfiction: A Writer’s Guide and Anthology, (Bloomsbury), and the newly released 15th edition of The Norton Reader (W. W. Norton).